The whole blogging game….
So I turned 35 recently, now that for some may seem to be a great place to be at ( especially the all so arrived, single male bachelors around, please God- if I promise to be good- can I borrow one for a short while..) but alas for me! A mother of 2, constantly struggling with weight battles, aerobics, toilet training, healthy eating habits of children, managing the in laws, parents, team members & the boss, new property acquisition & the endless EMIs, all in one breath ( did I mention a husband..coz I do recall seeing him in the periphery) at 35 didn’t promise to be attractive. But surprisingly, despite, moving into a new category of womanhood- where menopause becomes a distinct reality, I experienced a new sense of freedom. A freedom that came from …understanding who I was, it was OK not to be in agreement with the mom all the time, I need never fall in love again, you could finally get drunk again without an ounce of guilt, grin obscenely whenever the young men at the local hang out joint checked me out…life was getting good.
Of course, I was ready to explore the newer aspects of where the world has turned too.. apparently, while I was in hibernation – minding & rearing my kids, blogging has become the new mantra around. Everyone, I imagine, is now a reasonably good writer- Microsoft’s thesaurus & all other sources help all the budding writers ( ‘please visit my blog’ & me ..suitably impressed ‘O wow, how lovely, you write..’. ) & the recent so called spat between the acclaimed actors of this country – prompted me to think that – I better discover the benefits of it.
The boss promised me that ‘his now famous, once notorious ‘Fursat Friday’ blog helped him deal with stress.. Besides, in my own quest of ‘social reconnecting’ – after all, you do need someone to get drunk with- all my friends were an integral part of the whole blogging circuit. So as I sheepishly listen to their blogging travails, & feel hopelessly inadequate when I tell them that the only social site I am part of is ‘Linkedin’ & I am not so good at uploading photos on the net ( No please, don’t die- I am learning), I suddenly realize that the freedom & the self esteem of 35 will become a thing of the past if I DON’T.
But didn’t I need to know the right things to say? Or was it actually say the right things or was it – say the wrong things so that I get noticed. What about my so called arrived ‘writing friends’ –R, S, promise me , no feedback please. But as they say : Hakuna Matata…
So I sat down to pen oops type down my thoughts.. & as I write, my kids smile back at me..,I remember the neighbour’s compliments on my great new found confidence, my ability to finally accept the in laws for what they are, my friends who will reach out to me, my hubby’s admiring glances & a family to die for.. all whiz past me & I realize- there is a lot that I can do with this.
So for all of you, Welcome to Bhavna’s blog.
Btw- the boss is always right!
19 months
4 hours ago
Great going Bhavna. Welcome to e-world of thinking aloud. I hope to see many more of such musings as we grow ahead :-)
And you still retain your smashing am sure there are enough sideways glances guys would give you...enjoy
Bravo! I'm proud of you today - like a monther hen and grinning ear to ear!
Welcome to blogging Bhavna! The article is really cool , looking forward to more ....Tanuja
that's mine...
Vow! Women would truly relate to this! brought a smile to my face and am sure for a lot more! Waiting to see many many what are you waiting for......get going and post more..............Yes! You are back and I AM SIMBLY LOVING IT!!!
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